As you probably know by now, I am not a huge fan of just starting things out saying "Hey", "How are you?" Or the oh so popular "Hi". Unless it's in person, it's just a way of showing me that you are lazy. Throw a little something in there, well thought out, witty....hell even creepy. Don't waste my time. That is a surefire way to get some kind of smartass comment back. Luckily, I think that the number of women on dating websites is enough now that they have bitched ad nauesum to their guy friends about how much it aggravates the shit out of us ladies. So, I haven't run into a lot of that lately. I have on the flip side, wasted a lot of one liners on guys over time. Here are some of them with photos if I felt they were important. - S
Meat & Potatoes:

Clearly b.o. jokes are not response worthy....who knew?
This is probably the best explanation as to why I'm not a hit with the ladies on dating sites.

Really? Nothing from a horrible movie reference that you basically were referencing in your profile? Man, I guess I am really that fugly.

He seemed boring anyway.
I wasn't being a dick, I just really wanted to know. I still don't know.....damn it now I'm debating bothering him until he tells me.
If you couldn't tell, I hadn't learned from my last b.o. joke....I probably still won't learn :-D
Clearly SOMEONE isn't a Lonely Island Fan....

Oh c'mon, that's a pop culture reference and not just a Hitchhiker's Guide reference....amateur....
It's ok, there's a whole song devoted to the distaste for a One Minute Man...sang it Missy! of my biggest pet peeves. I know that the psychology behind it is that when you're in a group shot that you always look better because people associate the best features from each person with the person in the photo. However, you asshole EVERY photo can't be you and a group of friends. Fucking annoying trying to figure out which one is the common factor. Also, usually this ends in a disappointing moment when you realize that the person who owns the profile is the less attractive looking one. Bait and switch mothafucka!
He referenced having a fax machine and Office Space. The least you could do is give me a smiley back, jeeze.
You're welcome. I bet he changed his profile after that message. Ungrateful bastard.
In his defense, he was foreign. I think that I confused him
After going through all this stuff, I feel like some of the weirdos I never respond to are similar to me in that they're just amusing themselves. However, when I do come across someone clearly just joking around I always respond. I feel bad for these poor guys just trying to get laid. Oh wait, nevermind. I leave you with this last parting photo as my gift to you. Enjoy! - S
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