So, if you haven't heard of this phenomenon as of yet....I'll just give you the quick summary (and links down in the Reflection). Straight white boys(/men) will take a conversation from "Hello" to sexual in the blink of an eye. Often times under the ruse of some fun and whimsical game like 20 Questions. So I went back through a bunch of messages I've gotten to give you the best of what I have received, not just the guys who say "Hey, you look hot, want to bone?" but rather the ones who put a little extra stank on it. Some are screen shots but one is me paraphrasing since I don't have that particular online dating account anymore and refuse to re-activate it. Enjoy. -S
Meat & Potatoes:
WB: You seem attractive and not crazy, want to chat?
Me: Well, aren't you formal! Sure, why not. What's up?
WB: Not much, just relaxing. What are you up to?
Me: Working on some stuff, on a beautiful Saturday. I'm lame.
WB: Nice! Do you text?
Me: Uhm, I obviously have a smartphone because I'm on Tinder...and this is basically what we are doing now.
WB: Cool. Give me your number and I'll send you some dick pics.
Me: Yeah, I'll be honest, dicks aren't pretty to look at. You just want boobs in return. Gotta bring your A-game with me. Get creative buddy.
WB: Fine, I will put a top hat to match my formal opening.
Me: Now, THAT is an offer. Still, no thanks.

Then there was THIS guy.....who would talk to me in a normal capacity for days then get drunk and try so very awkwardly to get me to come over. Eventually he just stopped messaging me all together.

There's really nothing to say other than gold stars for effort, but no dice for any of them. It appears that I seem to attract more creative Straight White Boys....good to know people bring their C+ game with me. - S
More Straight White Boy Texts info for your meme amusement:
Apparently half of the creepers on tinder are named Brian. Why can't they at least spell it with a "y"?
ReplyDeleteBecause they want to ruin your good name. Specifically....oh wait, I don't have one :-D