Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wisdom Is Something Earned

As a special treat, we have a guest entry from B.  She sent this to me via email the other day and I promised that it would be this week’s entry.  So, here it is!  I’ll just let this guy’s conversation speak for itself.  Enjoy! - S

Meat & Potatoes:
WhizDommmm (WhizDummy):  wink wink

B: I'm guessing from your user name you are looking for a sub?

WhizDummy:  Well... Being a foreigner and according to my dictionary, sub has different meanings as follow:
1- A submarine! No, I am not looking for one of those yet...
2- A submarine sandwich... hmmmm, that is a maybe...
3- A substitute... Thanks but no thanks!
4- A subscription? No, <dating site removed> is free of charge for now...
5- A sub as in a sub-human... Well, I think you meant this one... It is very something of you to judge me as such tho, especially when there is almost no information in my profile that suggests that. VERY SOMETHING OF YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

B:  Except that you have very little info in your profile (typical of a person on here simply looking for sex) and your name has dommm in it...But, glad your dictionary came up with all of those possibilities

WhizDummy:  I hate this liberal motto that says don't be judgmental, because we all judge each other on a daily basis, but I can tell you that you've read too much into my profile and judged me too quickly. I bet you are an Obama voter who thought he was Kool too. We live in a day and age that Wisdom is looked at as a vice rather than a virtue; it is so sad. I am sorry for you because I came to you with love and you fired back at me with hate. Go get a life!

B:  I seem to have missed where I said anything hateful...I asked a question. I would say that I'm not the one being judgemental.
WhizDummy:  No... You did more than that... Let me read too much into you now and see how it feels like: You saw the religion "Islam" and that reminded you of the stereotype Islamophobic lie that we don't think our women are equal to us. You further went ahead and thought to yourself "I am not gonna live up to this guy's high standards of height, looks, success, etc... So let me throw an offensive line anyway"... You thought that wink-wink is not enough to give the guy a response, especially when you emphasized that in your profile, but yet he is too hot not to be responded, hence the sub comment... You are a liberal who put that guy not once but twice in the oval office and you will do that again with Hillary, no matter what this great country is about.. You use liberal garbage such as: Love me for who I am, don't judge me, don't try to change me, go with the flow no matter what, be easy going, spontaneous, laid back, bla bla bla at least once a day. There is not even one week that you don't drink and there is not one night that you don't watch the TV porn that comes out of the Hollywood's sewage... You are this or that and... lol, I better stop or I will show my lunacy more…
B:  I didn't read too much into anything. Your screename, which is the first thing a person sees about you and should define you a little bit, went out of the way to misspell "wisdom" and put some emphasis on the "dommm" part. Maybe, if you don't want people thinking you are a dom, or interested in that lifestyle, you should possibly change your screename. That, or don't take offense to someone questioning it.

I am pretty sure that your choice of religion does not mean shit to me. I've dated all races, all ages, all types of religions, and since I was raised to not be judgmental against a certain religion, I don't care if you believe in Allah or Jesus or a purple people eater. I simply don't place emphasis on it. Clearly, you have been discriminated against by beautiful women in the past though for your religion, so I will let that slide.

Me asking if you are a dom is not intended to be offensive in any way. You don't know - maybe I was into the sub lifestyle and it intrigued me. I'm not, but you didn't know that before you climbed on your soapbox (does your dictionary explain idioms??)

I responded, not because you were "hot" (in fact, the picture of you flexing originally made me think "what a douchebag, I don't want to respond to him"...those kind of pictures are only going to get you girls with very little substance) but because I was curious about the screename. You are not my typical type, and your profile says nothing about you - which typically a guy who does not bother to fill out the profile is looking simply for sex. So, I am so happy that you have a high self confidence and think you are hot, and for many girls, maybe you are. But, you are not what I am looking for.

Additionally, you know nothing about me, but good try. I am not a liberal, I'm not a conservative, I'm not a democrat, I'm not a republican. I grew up in politics, and now keep my distance from politics, as I was surrounded by it my entire childhood, and people who are super political tend to spit such broad, judgmental, biased nonsense that has no supporting information to go along with it, that I cannot stand it.

Not that I need to justify anything to a random lunatic on the internet, but the fact that you messaged me shows that you were interested in my looks, successes, and height (? really? height is something you have a standard for?). You don't have to admit that you were interested, its clear from your "wink wink" - and for your information, I'm fantastic. I own a successful business, I work full time for an amazing company, I am pursuing higher education and paying for it in full on my own, I live in a beautiful house and drive a reliable car and have amazing friends. My life kicks ass and I don't need justification from you for any of it.

Thanks for the discussion, it was a great distraction from my studying this evening. Hope you don't fall off your soapbox and hurt that pretty face.
Also, my friend keeps a blog of stories about crazy people she meets through online dating. I think I am going to request we add this story to it, and I can be a guest blogger. I'll send you a link once it's posted. Happy trails.

WhizDummy:  lol... wow, it seems I really did tease that fat arse of yours, didn't I? And yes, now that you challenged me I gotta say I AM super hot and I don't need your confirmation. No, hot women always stare at me but yes, some of the m efing white trash have discriminated against me; nothing against the noble founding fathers who built this great country and handed it to worthless piece of craps who just use all great resources and have fun... You ARE a liberal even tho you say you aren't because it is typical of liberals to insult others and say oops, I didn't mean it that way. You ARE into me otherwise you could have just viewed my profile and moved on but instead you spent this much time for this back n forth. Yeah, ask your friends to view my profile and I will teach them a great lesson using my soapbox. Pretty face, body, soul, and mind... never forget that; never ever ever. Yes I am interested in overweight women and yes that is sexual but I wasn't a one night stand. Just ask yourself how many intimate relationships you have been into in your life and what happens if the government prohibits alcohol again... There will be riots on the streets, lol... How pathetic! You ARE the slaves of your temporary enjoyments and you didn't show an iota of substance in your attack (which by the way, will sound racial in your next email, I guarantee it, lol). But being a WISE fair man, I gotta admit that I learned something from you: Load your profile with liberal garbage and you may attract the attention of some of those douche bags over the Net! Say things like: I LOVE LOVE LOVE music, I am just a fun, funny, fun loving silly person who loves to have a good time, hit the bars, puke puke puke.... Adios! LOL

B:  Half of your message makes no sense and does not relate to what we are discussing, at all.

And you clearly do not understand what I am saying. I never insulted you in my initial message, you just got really defensive.

It's silly to start calling my "arse" fat now that I have rejected you. My ass, just like the rest of me, is fucking fantastic and you will never get the chance to experience it. :)

And if you think my profile is full of liberal garbage, you clearly did not read it at all. Regardless, I am blocking you, so you won't get a chance to re-read it.

Good luck in your search. Hopefully you find an Islamic slut to fill your fantasies. Kindly Fuck off :) Happy Jihad!  *Blocks him*

B of course blocks his profile, only to have him create a new screenname that is “WisDomFatAss” and looks at her profile.  She blocks him again and reports him to the dating site for harassing her under another screen name with his old one and the new one.  The saddest part is that she blocked him before he could spout more nonsense at her.  No, nevermind, I saved brain cells because she blocked him.  Hooray for blocking!

I don’t know about you, but don’t you hate talking to people who seem to think that spouting nonsense that isn't relative to what you’re talking about is a way to win an argument.  I believe that whenever you’re spouting nonsense due to some kind of legal or illegal chemical reaction, that you should share whatever you’re on with those around you.  It’s probably the only way that anyone else would understand you.  However, I think this guy is on stupidity...and well, I’ll pass on that.  Also, this isn't his real sign on/name, but I figured I would give a version of it so that the conversation makes sense.  Also, if you’re dedicated enough I’m sure you could figure out what the actual sign on is :-)  Happy Jihad to you wherever you are WhizDummy!

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