Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Amish Butter Maids

As mentioned before, sending messages on a dating site are very vital forms of communication. How else are you supposed to get dates? But, it all depends on how you phrase and express your interest in someone. Too plain, and you end up in the trash bin. Too forward and you're just labeled as a strange bastard... as well as in the trash bin, and blocked. There's a thin line between lazy and creepy.

However, some things should not be told to another human being. EVER.

Take this lovely message from a random stranger that lived about... 1 hour away.

Yes, this was an actual message to me from a male in his early 30s who lives in the same state.

While this message caused me to make several faces the further I read it, at the end of it all, I had to say that I was somewhat impressed that he read that part of my profile. I mean, it was a pretty detailed and lengthy story!

I also had to admit that he was very descriptive and seemed to have a really active imagination.

But, after all that, I had to label it as the creepiest, most disturbing message I had ever received from a guy.

So, now you know what the title of this post was referring to and you'll never think of an Amish Butter Maid the same again.

- A

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