Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Shorts - Retorts That Scare People Away

I’m going to be honest here...sometimes, I’m just bored.  That or I feel especially fiesty that day. These poor men who bring half assed conversation starters occasionally feel my wrath.  In the spirit of honesty, there are TONS more where I said something snarky back and they liked it, which spurred further conversation.  Below are 4 of the more interesting/painful/funny ones.  If people like this, then maybe I’ll dig through and find some others. - S

Meat & Potatoes:

Random Guy #1 (RG1):
RG1:  Hi baby girl

Me:  It's a bit odd calling someone 6 years older than you 'baby girl' don't you think?​  (*crickets)

Random Guy #2 (RG2):
Me:  LOL who lists Nelly as their favorite artist? Also, holding hands while skipping is the best...especially if there are adults around.

A) Nelly is awesome (That's a no brainer).
B) True, hand holding begets skipping (and versa vice).
C) Good call on including Back to the Future III and excluding Chloroformophiles.

Me:  Well, I must say...I appreciate some classic Nelly that's for sure. There is a Pandora radio station called Class of the 2000's. It's essentially a lot of Nelly, Eminem, and other lovely bands from that time :-)
*takes a bow* Thank you, thank you. I try to make good decisions in movies and not being drugged. Call me crazy, but I feel like it's an essential part of life. (I’m not sure if he just lost interest or what, but my ego is saying that he couldn’t keep up with the witty banter so he disappeared.  Which I always find puzzing.  Perhaps I did something wrong in what I said to piss him off or turn him off.  It’s possible, I’m not perfect :-D However, this is more of an example than anything else really.)

Random Guy #3 (RG3):
RG3:  when you turn chat 'off' does it let you keep chatting with already open chats? or does it close them too?

Me:  I don't know....do I look like the OKC help desk? lol

RG3:  you were the only one who had chat turned on at the time, ie: girls *never* have their chat on. so i figured you use it sometimes and might know. (A valid point!  Holy crap, these are RARE on here!) the help desk is imaginary, lol. l8r.(I like how you explained the joke…..sheesh)

Random Guy #4 (RG4):
RG4:  Finally someone that loves Coming To America. My coworkers don't appreciate the awesomeness that was that movie. I tend to quote it here and there but no one gets it.

Me:  I quote random shit all the time lol Most of my friends love it. It's just a glimpse into what it's like to walk around inside my head :-D My best friend barked like a dog as part of a jokey/funny conversation and I said...."Bark like a BIG dog!" and she went "Ah-WOOF, AH-WOOF!" Then everyone laughed hysterically :-) Ahhh Coming To America :-)

RG4:  Lol :)

Me:  I always wonder why people just respond with LOL or 'hey' 'hi' 'what's up?' I'm not sure what to say next. Whatever I said isn't THAT exciting that there can't be a follow up :-D

RG4:  I'm sorry. I suck. (You said it buddy, not me)

It was funny though. Sometime I respond with "Ha!". I sometimes have trouble following up. It's something that I do need to work on.

I hate it when I quote something and no one gets what I'm saying. It tends to lead to uncomfortable silence.

Me:  but, see I got it ;-) So that's supposed to spur more topics. poor thing lol (Come on buddy, I’m trying to help you.  It’s my good deed for the day…  Oh well :-D  I pay for the premium subscription that lets you know if someone read it or not.  He read the last comment and still didn’t reply.  I think that he figured out that he already sucks so he didn’t bother.  I mean, he even admitted it himself lol)


In retrospect I may have been a bit of a bitch to some of them.  However, if they can’t take a little bit of being made fun of, then they weren’t a fit anyway.  I take being picked on myself pretty well and I like the fun playful banter that goes along with it.  And yet...I’m always surprised by how not ‘with it’ people can be.  Who knows, maybe I’m just expecting a certain level of conversation that keeps not happening.  Is it so much to ask?!?!  Probably. :-D  

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