Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Furry And A Brony Walk Into A Bar.....

I'm going to preface this story with the fact that I am still friends with Barkley and I have his permission to tell this story.  It is, as you can tell pretty much just me being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time.  I'm sure you're just chomping at the bit to find out exactly what this story is about, so I shall spare you the suspense. - S

Meat & Potatoes:
I seem to attract the most innocent guys lol Virgins, shy guys, guys who have lived in their shell most of their life and a combination of everything in between.  It's partially because they think I'm funny or want someone to hide behind in social situations, or the more frequent option, that they want to come along on some kind of crazy ride my life provides.  I usually chat with them and if they don't seem crazy I will give them a 1st date/hang out session, where I will decide how I feel about them.  Barkley falls right into the norm for guys who message me.  He moved here for a job, didn't have a lot of friends and wanted to start exploring the city perhaps with a new friend or potential girlfriend.  I don't mind playing tour guide occasionally and he seemed like a really nice guy.  So I agreed to meet him for dinner one night.

When I arrived at the restaurant, he looked exactly like his photos.  Which is always a crap shoot, so it's really helpful when you can spot them in a crowd without approaching the wrong people in search of your date. lol  Barkley and I sit down for our meal and start chatting about nonsense.  He seems like a nice enough guy but I don't know if I"m attracted to him at all.  As usual I had picked one of my favorite fooding spots so least there's that.

About 15 minutes into our conversation he tells me that he has something he needs to confess about.  I immediately start sweating bullets and think about how quickly I could drop some cash on the table and run to my car.  Unfortunately, I realize that I don't have any cash on me anyway so I start thinking of excuses I could make.  Varying from standing up and shouting, "OMG MY CAR IS BEING TOWED!" to the stern but gracious "Well you seem like a nice guy but that's just a deal breaker for me...".  I haven't yet had to use one of these options but I'm always prepared.  As the dramatically long pause sits between us I just wait patiently to see what is going to happen.

Barkley:  I have a confession to make.  Remember when I told you that my room mates are Furries?  Well, I am one too.

Me:.........................uhh..........................................(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--SCREAMING INSIDE MY HEAD)

Barkley:  It's not sexual.......

Me: (*Screaming subsides a bit) Oh, well that's ok I think....  So wait, the only things I know about Furries is from some late night documentary probably on MTV.  If it's not sexual, what is it like?

Barkley:  It's kind of like having a spirit animal...you just identify with a particular animal, or have attributes similar to a certain animal.  For example, I'm a dog and one of the reasons why I am that is because I'm loyal.

Me:  Ok....well, I can see how that would work.  Do you dress up in a suit and attend furry cons? (Of course this is the first thing I want to know because....I have no idea lol)

Barkley:  I don't have a suit because the ones I want are super expensive and I don't want to waste my money on a cheap one.

Me:  I see, well that makes sense. (<Insert desperately needed subject change because I'm really uncomfortable and have no idea what to say to him right now>) Hey...there are people behind you from some convention but I can't read their badges.  You're closer, can you read them?

Barkley:  They're from....the Brony Con.

*** Flashback Begin***
About a week before our date, Barkley asked me if I was afraid of anything.  I told him that I was afraid of two things...Bronies and Furries because you can't tell if they're one just by looking at them.  That was when he informed me that his room mates are Furries.  I spent the next 5 minutes after that joke trying to dislodge my foot from my mouth :-D
*** Flashback Ended***

Me:  Fuck, My, Life LOL

We were pretty much done with dinner and I wanted to leave so I suggested to Barkley that we go get ice cream.  We had a fun night and ended things in a hug and a 'Let's hang out again' departure.  We did hang out again, but for me there were zero sparks.  If there's one thing I do, it's give people a fair shot.  Not only did I walk away from this experience with a friend, I walked away with a hilarious story as well.  The only downside is that after telling people this story they expect me to be well versed in what makes someone a furry.

Actual questions I was asked:
I love my dog, does that make me a Furry?
So, like do the suits have openings for you to stick your junk out of so you can have sex in them?
If I like to wear fur coats, and like to pet fuzzy animals does that make me a Furry?
What if one of my favorite genres of movies is ones like The Rescuers and The Secret of Nimh, does that make me a Furry?
What do people do at Furry Cons?
I once saw some Furries at a bar downtown, and they were dancing on the bar and popping lots of pills...is that guy like that?
Are people who dress up as mascots often Furries?
Are you going to become one?
Can we go to a Furry Con together?  I think it'll be hilarious!
Do you know any other Furries?
Is "Furry" just a boarder term for people who really are into animals?
What if you really identify with a reptile....or non-furred animal?  Are you still a Furry?

I'm like, the fuck I barely know the guy and then Bronies appeared so I opted for flight rather than fight.  However, I do know a bit more now but I didn't see the point in learning much more about it since I didn't plan on becoming one myself for dating one.  That and I'm pretty sure that I was in shock at that time...   Long story short, I learned another valuable lesson about myself from this interaction.  If you want to date me, just say no to animal costumes except on Halloween.  :-D

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