Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Couple's Accounts: IRL & Tinder

So, it's pretty much what you think it is.  Couples get an account looking for a woman to be their third.  Surprisingly enough, there was only one couple's account that I found on Tinder.  At least, for the short time I was on there.  This was my encounter - S

Meat & Potatoes:

Me?!  Over think things?!  Pssh....nevar!

Surprisingly enough, they were an actually really good looking couple.  However, I was not interested in the guy at all.  It would've been rude to say "You ok watching?  Because I think your girlfriend is VERY hot and I would do everything to her".  Plus, I really didn't care whether or not it happened.  I asked all the questions because those were my concerns.  No one can ever say that I don't put everything out there up front lol

The funny part of the story is that I saw them out and about a couple weeks ago.  Of course I had screen shots of them I had saved for the blog, and I showed the photos to people I was with. They confirmed that it looked like them.  She was just as pretty in person, and he was about what I thought he would look like.  I almost did a bad thing and walked over and tried talking to the woman.  I thought better of it though, since I really again didn't care much.  Still, I live in a relatively large city, so running into people I know is pretty rare in a general.  All in all, not the creepiest encounter (there have been way creepier couples) but still funny to see people in real life going about their business that clearly just wanted to tap that ass.  It's like seeing a teacher outside of your school, it was just somehow wrong...even though you knew that they weren't there at work 24/7 and had their own lives.  Meh.  Maybe I'll see them around again and I'll strike up a conversation with her.  I noticed her at first because she was staring over at me.  Maybe it was because they were trying to figure out why I looked familiar.  If nothing else, she is pretty and I always enjoy talking to a pretty girl  :-)  It's really rare that the couple actually is attractive, all of the other ones I have gotten messages from looked like at least one of them was beaten with the ugly stick.  Poor stick :-( - S

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