Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Too Busy For Love/Cop Out

Lately, it appears that most of the guys I come in contact with have decided to start using a somewhat liable, but ridiculous excuse when it comes to not wanting to date someone:

“I’m just too busy/not ready/fucked up to date right now.”

I have several examples of this. But, here’s one guys reasoning for not wanting to pursue anything with me after only one date:

“I've given it some thought and decided I'm not in the right place to be starting a new relationship. I have a few things going on in my life right now that make me seriously doubt my interest in ever being monogamous or getting married. I thought I could wall them off enough to move forward with meeting someone and dating, but I've realized this is not the case. I know this sounds like a cop out or an excuse. I don't want to waste your time or mine.”

While that’s all fine and dandy, and I’m glad he gave me something except disinterested silence, this asshole of a guy waited about… 5 days to tell me this. Didn’t help that the date was a bit awkward and uncomfortable because of his odd behavior. I’m a very understanding and polite lady, but he was trying my patience. Also, gotta love how he states “I know this sounds like a cop out or an excuse” in the nonsensical drivel he’s stating. That doesn’t reassure me at all that it isn’t an excuse!

Look, I understand that life comes at your fast (HA! See what I did with that one?), but if you know you aren’t ready, won’t be ready or never will be ready to be in a relationship, DON’T DATE. You ARE wasting my time and yours doing this. Why the hell are you on a dating site if you don't want to date? Looking for friends? HA!! That's hilarious! And stupid. 

Instead of doing that, and making things awkward as hell, how about you just be upfront and honest and give me the truth. Don’t wait more than a day to give me your decision/excuse. If this is the truth, ok that’s fine and I respect you for telling me that. But, do yourself and other a women a favor and remove yourself from the dating scene. Disappear from it and don’t return until you have your shit together. Don’t go out on a date/make-out/have sex with a girl, then decide, “I’m sorry, I just don’t have the time to invest in a relationship,” because it sounds like bullshit.

Just tell the girl you aren’t interested instead. If she’s mature and respectable enough, she’ll understand and not bother any longer.  If not, well, it was probably for the best to not date her anyway. She's most likely crazy.

It just sounds pathetic, silly and makes me want to kick you in the balls. Stop it. You’re making all the humans with XY chromosomes look bad.

- A

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